Monday, July 14, 2008


Am sick.... and it's gross.... I hab a stuppy ed. Well that's what it would sound like if you could hear me. And a snotty nose. And a rumbly tummy. Therefore I did not go to work today. There has to be some bright side to not going to work :). I have watched some T.V, done very little in the way of anything. After writing this up I am going to read this book..

and drink tea in front of the fire. Have been making stuff. Made some sandwitch wraps, but am now no so sure as I read the comments about PVC and don't really want to use them....eeeep. anyway, off to sit n read.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mushrooms and Apple Pies

Well, I have a little story to tell. About three weeks ago, my mum and I went to the hardware store. At the fron of the store were these bags of mushrom compost in them. I thought it would be great to buy a bag and bring it back and see if i could grow some mushrooms in a box under the house or something. Anyway, the bag was HEAVY. I thought i'd wait until I could get someone musclier to move it for me..... and promptly forgot about it. Anyway, I was about to put something in the boot so i wouldn't forget it and look what I found.

So you get a better idea of how big these babies are...

ummmm.... what can I say, apparrently my boot makes an ideal mushroom spot.

:) Have been having a very strange weekend of not doing much but reading and such. I did attempt to make a replca of some amazing apple pies I had when I was in adelaide. They were lush and had a really high top... I think that was what impressed me the most.

Here are my ickle pies as they are about to go in the oven.

I'd post the recipe, but it's basically stewed apple pie with a shortcrust base.. I forgot to take pictures AFTER they came out of the oven.... sorry, but rest assured they were yum. Am starting to think more seriously about the impending cristmas season, being that its not that long away.... if your a crafter that is. I got seriously freaked the other day when I had to write the date, and it was July already... ouch... where does the time go. Anyway blessings.