Friday, June 20, 2008

Winter Solstice

Wow it's here again. this is one of my favorite times of year. I always get the urge to knit in this weather and watch 'Home Alone' while I do it. This is a little bit of a problem because I also have a tendency to want to read a book and drink cups of tea, and it seems like no matter what i decide to do i feel like i'm missing out on the other great things.... Not enough time...

I have finished two pieces of embroidery this week. I thought i'd give you a peek. One is at the top of the page and the other is here. I am going to frame these and they will probably end up as christmas presents. It's become a slght obsession. I love the simple stitches. These patterns are from Handmade Magazines Christmas in July edition.

The Gryphon and I are going to his Mum's for a winter solstice celebration tonight. It should be yummy.

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